24 July 2011

schools out for summer

Finally our school year has come to an end, and the summer holidays have shown themselves!

We have six glorious weeks of freedom, sun and luscious green grass.

I mean, wow, where did the year go?

It was like yesterday I was anxious about starting secondary school, but in six weeks I will be in year 9!

Oh doesn't time fly?

                                                                Image from photobucket

Have a good summer holiday everyone!

Alanna :)

20 July 2011

he shimmered in the sun, his eyes alive in gold

Okay, so i don't really have an gold frog, but wouldn't it be cool if i did?
I would call him Tay, and we would conquer the world together!
And he would look something like this:
Wondering where i managed to find a golden frog? Well, i cheated, im afraid Photobucket is to credit.....
 Im sorry for the not-very-good-post, im afraid im out of ideas, plus, my two Little peachicks are keeping me more then occupied.

Well thats all for now,

Have a nice day!

Alanna :)

7 July 2011

Two Fuzzy Warm Souls

Hello my lovelies! Have I got news for you!

Two fuzzy warm souls have entered our world today, wide eyed, innocent and curious. I have been waiting for them for weeks (And truthfully, so were my parents) and finally here they are! Two glorious little pea-chicks!
Have a great day!

Alanna :)

4 July 2011

Okay, I am soo excited! As you may know, I have Peafowl, and one of them, is sitting on 5 eggs! She has been for weeks and weeks now, which is why I am so excited! I listened to one the other day, and I could hear it peaking inside! Any time now they will hatch! So, here are some cute pictures for you all to enjoy!